Friday, February 24, 2012

Distribution Agent basics?

Hey everyone,

sorry for the lame questions, but:

1) I have a transactional replication service set up. However, whenever we select a new table or column within a table to replication to the subscribers, the changes never seem to get picked up unless we make an actual change within some of the other data. Any idea why this is? Even after I've reinitialized snapshots, the new changes don't want to proprogate to teh subscribers until data is actually changed.

2) where do I need to go to manually stop and restart a a distribution agent to force these changes to be proprogated without having to change any data within the tables?


Replication is very complex and complicated I have not used it a for a while, get to know the Agent and MSDB and the link below will take you in the right directions. Hope this helps.

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