From the local PC windows authentication seems to work, but from remote pc's
te client seems to logon as guest.
Do i need to install MSDE on a windows server edition to get the windows
authentication working ?
SQL Authentication works from remote machines, but becorse the password is
sent as cleartext over the network i would like to use the Windows
Can someone give me an answer on this ? ( i want to move some app from using
acces to sql server).
Hope someone helps me.
no you don=B4t need a Windows Server to use Windows Authentication. As
long as the machine is in the same domain and uses a service account
which is able to check the identity of the user on the domain
controller you are able to use Windows Authentication.
If you are using WIndows XP you have to disbale "Simple FIle and
Printer Sharing"
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
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